Friday, August 28, 2009

Ramadhan is finally here!!

Current mood: hopeful
Hi and salam..

I know,i'm a little bit late posting something about Ramadhan...It is because i'm busy with my homework...not much but tones..hahaha...never mind..almost finish it...But,little bit afraid that it might not be accepted...So, i'm saying this to my chemistry teacher...Do accept my folio...Thanks..

Now,i'm a little bit running from my topic...What i'm going to say?? urm,.... yah,of coz about Ramadhan... but how? okayh, i'll try...

The leader of whole month
All muslim are gather around
To welcome you,Ramadhan..

It is not just about being hungry
But also being lovely
In this noble Ramadhan
Let us leave all the interuption

Ramadhan,the month of reward
For those who take part
Reward will be given to those who pay attention
If you know,kindness is your direction

On the day,we fasting
On the night,we praying
For the day to be homecoming
For the night to be welcoming

Solat Terawih,the biggest agenda
Muslim full of the book of attendance
Mosque, full of humans
Hope "moreh" is not the matter

Ramadhan,lovely Ramadhan
Not just a month,but a meaningful month
Full of "pahala" and "keberkatan"
Cannot be replaced by just any month
Ramadhan,the month that give you thousand of smiles

Happy Ramadhan,

Friday, August 21, 2009

Sorry, Sorry...

actually, I'm influenced by Sorry,Sorry from Super Junior


Macho voice : KyuHyun
High pitch : YeSung 
Starsky,Husky voice : DongHae
Cute voice : KangIn 
Nice voice(duet) : SungMin & Ryeowok

Hahahaha..i love them! actually,13 of them..but,voice? specifically,them!

okayh,now i want to write something that show i'm sorry to everybody!
maybe,there are a few for someone special..if u think u are that people..
i'm sorry..


 I know it is never easy to say this
But,i have to say
Because you have sacrifice so much for me..
I'm sorry,
For hurting you
For mad at you
For yelling at you
and....For everything...
I'm sorry...I didn't mean that..
I love you !!!!  

More than you know!

I love you
And, I can't stand
of my heart beat
So, I'm running away from you..
I'm sorry,if you feel abandoned...
I didn't mean that...
I love you...I truly do...
But,i guess you not..
That's why I'm leaving..
Sorry,my best friend...I love you,dear!

I'm not a perfect person
That's why i wanted to say this...
I'm sorry for hurting you all..
I didn't intended to do that...
Sometimes,i think it is a joke
But,i make you choke...
the only truly word for you

For being greedy
But,no one care of this
Because i'm a little bit secretive
For duplicate my feeling...
I promise,for you..
You are my only one...
Sorry,Sorry..That's simple word to say..
But,take a whole life to say..
I'm sorry for being such an egoistic..But,that's my personality...
Hard and true..
For all~

Serious regretness, 

Friday, August 7, 2009


I've wrote it before I own one here...So, just enjoy read it! =D

Today,it's all about blog...
Blog here, blog there
It's rolling like a snow glob..
Over here..and everywhere..

Me,the only one..
The confuse one
Either to have or to have not..
Always thinking, still cannot untie the knot..

If i'm do one..
It's like i'm a copier..
If i'm not do one..
It's like i'm a stupid loser..

I want to spill out all of my heart
I want to share secrets of mine
I want people to look hard
What they cannot find!

Thank you!
