Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Meaningful song to me...

Salam and hi..

Do you love to hear to music?? I bet everyone love to hear music.. As for me, some song so meaningful to me as the lyrics maybe same with my lyrics of life..

I love many kind of music/songs...But,here some i can recall...

* She Will Beloved *
by Maroon 5

. love the melody
. love the voice of vocalist
. love the energy of the band ( Maroon 5 )
. I hope I'll be his "she will beloved" but not like Maroon 5 did in the video clips.

* Only One *
by Yellow Card
. love the music
. love the lyrics
. and, by that time..i thought i found my only one..
. but, not yet..he got the "yellow card"

* Forgot the title ( 'kan ku bina..sebuah singgahsana..") *
by Gerhana Ska Cinta
. reminds me of my primary school memories
. i found you, but you lost in the middle of the night
. you left me hanging,banging and crushing
. it's okay, it's all over now..
. maybe, we're not meant to be
. i know, you'll never built me a castle, but you not knowing that you're eclipse in my 

* I'm yours *
by Jason Mraz
.Love the music
.love voice of Jason
.love the hidden message
.love it when jason sings I'm Yours
. i'm not sure that 'i'm yours', but Jason Mraz thinks everyone have "I'm Yours"

* Fall For You *
by Secondhand Serenade
. Love the combinations of music+lyrics+vocal
. this song, i thought i'll be alright
. but, no.. no no no, i'm not be alright
. I've "Fall For You" which i didn't ever ever thought about it..
. You did it..

* Lucky *
by Jason Mraz ft Colbie Caillat
. Love love love love the melody
. Love the combinations of their voice
. It means something to me..
. I'm "Lucky" to love you, but maybe we're not gonna be a good duet like Jason and 
  Colbie do..

* Love Story *
by Taylor Swift
. Love the music
. Lyrics not so great, but it's sincere
. And it so me..But, kinda different
. I'm the Beast wait for my Prince Charming

*Because I'm Stupid*
by SS501
. love the melody
. love the lyrics
. love the band
. love their voice
."I'm really stupid that i know no one but you"

* Bad Woman *
by FT Island
. love love love love the Honggi's voice
. Damn! He's got powerful voice!
. I'm the "Bad Woman" which duplicate my feeling

* Sorry, Sorry *
by Super Junior
. love the dance of 13 fantastic boys
. love KyuHyun, YeSung, Si Won, Sung Min voice
. I'm sorry for not being super in front of you..

* It's You *
by Super Junior
. I hate this song which lead me to love this song
. Love love love voices of KyuHyun, YeSung, DongHae
. They're amazing...YeSung can sing high pitch so well!
. "Neorago"...

* You Belong With Me *
by Taylor Swift
. Love the lyrics
. I thought "You Belong With Me" but she's better..i guess?

* I hope *
by FT Island
. Love the powerful music
. Love the bassist
. Love voice, of coz
. " I Hope " there's time for us to know each other..That time, i'm never make mistakes

* Sorry Sorry Answer *
by Super Junior ( Yesung mostly )
.Love the 'jazzy' music
.Love and totally and forever adore Yesung's voice
.Love the clips
.Love the meaning or lyrics
.Love all about it
.Seriously, must listen
.Totally influence by it

that's all for now..
I'll added more...
Hope u are enjoy with ur favourite song..


Friday, September 11, 2009

My new two jewels...

Current mood: blessed

Salam and hi...Today, wanna share you my unforgettable moment in my life..

It happens in 7 September 2009 around 7.00 p.m. (after "buka puasa")
It was full of curiosity,happiness,painful and relieveness..

It is buncit/cantik , my lovely brown-coffee tabby cat (around 1 years old)
She is pregnant...It is upsetting to see she's pregnant...Because,she is so small and cute..We scared that she might get hurt while give birth...But, it is all over on that day..

around 3 p.m.She acting weird...
Miaow here, miaow there, miaowing everywhere
My eldest sister and I afraid..
We all questioning?
Is she going to deliver? Is she?

around 4 p.m.
I quickly ran to my younger sister
I told her to go on the website..
Search for "Sign to see if the cat want to give birth"
Luckily,it's 2009..
everything there
There said :
  * Cats will start tearing or scratching paper
  * Finding something comfy and wide
  * Decrease in temperature (usually,100 but my cat 93)
  * Miaow everywhere
And i said,
God, it's all there...
I have better be ready

around 5 p.m..
She acting more weird...
She start to find place..
She's going upstair..
I think she wants to give birth..
85 % sure..
We start to preparing something..
Put an old cloth...
and,she's lying there...
I can tell
  * She's worry
  * She's in pain

around 6 p.m
I went to bazaar Ramadhan for a while , but still worry
Then i got back..My cat still "buncit"
But, looks like she's pushing(teran)
We give her space..We leave her..
So,we start preparing to eat..

around 7.30 p.m.
After ate, my younger sister went upstairs..
She said "buncit still not delivering..."
Are you sure??
Then, i went upstairs...
Ya Allah, there's a baby there...
There's a foetus...
She's miscarriage one child..
OMG. pity her...
She's cleaning her child..Sooooo wonderful...


around 5.00 a.m...
"Iqa,iqa..Buncit has delivered one more kitten..!"My eyes are so heavy...But,i was shock!
"What? What? Where?"
"There she is...The newborn is white+brown(like her mother)"
Awww~ I quickly ran..
Sooo cute...
There are two kittens now..
All of them are breastfeeding..
I went to "sahur"

around 6.00 a.m...
I went to see both of the kitten and their mother..
Soooooo cute...
I went bathing...
Suddenly,i heard a sweet purr..(from kitten)
Maybe,just crying...So,i leave it..
When i ready to go to school...
I saw a black thing coming out from Buncit's ....(delivering organ)
"OMG!! Abah,she's having another baby!!!!!"
" It's okay...Leave her...Give her some space..."

around 6.30 a.m...
The baby still cannot get out..
I realised, the 4th baby is "songsang"
Pity her...
The whole body is safe...But,the head....still stuck..
It has been 30 minutes...
I am afraid the kitten had died...

Around 7.00 a.m
Buncit went down...
Ya Allah!
What a challenging day...
She's cannot push the baby...
Suddenly,she's stop at the kitchen...
She's delivering the baby
I help her to push and massage her stomach...
It's like that I am the one who want to give birth..
I give her full of support...
My family just look at me and shout "Push Buncit,push!!"
The baby came out...But,it had died..
I take the kitten with a plastic and save it in safe place...


Around 6.00 p.m
We burried the dead kitten...
My father dig the hole..
My sis and I just take a few flowers and water...
To pour on the grave...
We read "Al-Fatihah"
The dead kitten had Rest in Peace
I named it "Life"

Life..Here,I want to show that, her dead had make me appreciate more my life...Thank you Life, you gave me such wonderful lesson even though we never spoke to each other...

p/s: The two kitten is ok right now.. One is Zorro and the other maybe, Love (because
       she's got a "love" birthmark)...Soo cuute...

New beginning,