Friday, August 12, 2011

Let The Room, be room...Not roof top

Salam and hi

I'm writing this post because I felt there are people around me who still not matured. I always remind myself to be mature and open minded. But not all can be. I know not all people perfect. This is not about perfection, but it's about attitude. You should think twice, thrice or hundred of twice before you said anything( or post anything ) It's like you'll just open up to everyone your own secret or dark side...If nothing happened, I think you should let it be...If you make this things up, by posting, saying, or maybe even cursing, there's no use. If you never mention it or even bother about it, so do us....But, if you bring the things into a headline, of course our paparazzi adrenaline will rush out...Isn't it happened to you too...You're not perfect, so do I...So, I'm posting this because not to tell people, I'm matured. But at least I have sense of maturity...I don't see it in you...And sorry if I'm hurting you, but it's just the words I do...Hope you can accept the reality, even you hate it...

p/s :There's a reason why it is written in black font...


Keep it SECRET!!

If it's not the truth,
Don't bring it up.
If it's not the rumours,
Let it be.
If you hate to hear the truth,
Don't ever do it.
People are watching
We commonly spread what we see, hear, listen..
Don't you curious about the source?
Isn't it from you?
Or your senorita?
Seriously? Think it again
If you hate to be famous
Don't let it fame...
Keep it in frame...
Hang to both of your chamber only
Not to our roof top ( should I call 'wall' )
Watch and learn

Protective is not objective
It's also not subjective
It's the combination of both
You have to think the answer,
but based it to your thinking...

Word cannot describe protection
Beside not equal to protection
Love is not protection
Advices are protection

Keep your mouth shut,
before ask somebody to shut theirs'
Review your attitude
before you comment others

Your senorita describe about you
Maybe even your whole family
or ancestors...
even, might be future generation...
