Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Happy Eidul Fitri!!

Current mood: grateful

Salam and Hi!

Happy Eidul Fitri!! It's kinda funny...Raya only left a few days but here i am who say hi in the last minute...It's kinda upsetting too...But,i'm not forgot of Hari Raya...I thought i want to write something about Raya when i'm stayed at my kampung...But, i'm veryy veryyy veryy busy! Visiting one and another...It's fun! 'Duit raya' add my spirits of Raya!! Here are something about Raya from my opinion..

Selamat Hari Raya
 All Muslims are so excited 
When Ramadhan, Jalan TAR is packed 
Women never get bored!

Happy Eidul Fitri
In the morning of Raya
Muslims went for Hari Raya prayer
To celebrate the winning of Puasa

Selamat Hari Raya 
After prayer, we eat 
Ketupat and rendang are the treats
Treats of Raya,special for Raya

Happy Eidul Fitri
Asking forgiveness from human kind
It's not an invitation

Just a regular tradition

Selamat Hari Raya 
Cars and people headed to the roads
Headed to the relatives' houses
Visiting each other to improve the knots

Happy Eidul Fitri
Beraya with 'Baju Kurung' and 'Kebaya'
Want to taste some of 'kuih raya'
Colourful,sweet and so 'raya'

Selamat Hari Raya 
Children always want 'duit raya'
It's is not necessary

Just a gift from those who are handy

Happy Eidul Fitri 
The month we sat together
No matter what age and gender
Together to celebrate Hari Raya!

With Raya mood, 

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