Thursday, December 16, 2010

Holidays finally here!!

Salam and hi

current mood : cherish

Actually, i'm a little late to post this topic...Dunno why? But, internet seems not a big temptation to me...I guess tv adores me more...hihihi...However, i'm not saying that internet boring, but, i don't know what to open and if i have set my eyes on computer...Surely, you cannot talk to me and have to wait another 4 hours to do so i guess..That's why i'm being lazy to surf the internet...kihkih...Enough the long talk, here's my some holiday treats for all..

Holiday, cheerful holiday..
I hope everyday is holiday
Forget the tons of list on what to do
Just enjoy to Pixie Lotts' (mama doo..)

Holiday, sweet holiday
Everyday feels like Saturday
Feel breezy like i'm in Miami
Enjoy singing to You Belong With Me!!

Holiday, happy holiday
Always want to enjoy on my way
But, next year gonna be a tough hallaway
That's why i always "on da way" ( lie =P )

Holiday, yeah! I love holiday
Enjoy your holiday dont feel sorrow
And I wish you all a cherish holiday..
Happy Holiday, my fellow!!

p/s : watched New Moon...Handsome Taylor Lautner...Maybe, handsome 

        werewolf ever! (rite now =D ) The story interesting and a bit funny....

        However, kinda hate Bella Swan cause she's lil "over"...Sorry Bella and 

        her fans...It is just my point of view....




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