Tuesday, February 21, 2012

He Knows The Best

This poem, I wrote when I'm about to lose my insanity...He's perfect (except for his look, I guess) He's just a guy that fit me well....It's a pleasure for loving him... I thought, I've found my soulmate...However, he has somebody else ( I think..) I start to think I am useless..."Hey, nobody was looking at you...You just a person among trillions creatures...You're nothing special..." That words kept disturbing me...And, suddenly! It just popped up! I just realize, it's all because of Allah.. Why don't I think of this before...Huh! Plus, there's many other gentlemen greater than him, out there... He's just not made for me...So, I hope u guys enjoy reading it...For those who having the same problem with me, be patience...We are under protection...


God (Allah) Knows The Best

I never complaint this much
I never rebel this much
I never want so much
To fell in love
To be in a relationship
Woman and man
I’m ready to take the risk
Bring it on
No more single
Of course

As I am thinking...
Thinking why I am still single
Seriously, never been in relationship
Thinking of my personality
Where charming is not the theme
I realized
It is because of Him
It is because of Allah

He knows the best
What if I am in love relationship
Will I care about my family?
Will I care about my friends?
What if I am too obsessed?
Too possessed
By the spirit, people called
Ah!  I might forgot
The most valuable jewels in my life
You know the best

Now, I begin to accept
Fate, destiny, death
He knows which are the best
He knows when would be the best
I should be waiting
I believe in Allah
He knows the best

I am not an old maid
I’m just not suit to accept
I am not a pathetic
Just under protection, guardian
I am not a lonely
I have them deep in my soul
I have them to talk to
God, family, friends
They complete me
Perfect butter to my bread...<3

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