Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Long time noooooooooo see!! Oh! Only God knows how I missed my blog! :D It's been a long time since I'm in hiatus as part-time writer (I think I am! :P )  I actually have a lot to spill, tell and share. However, I can't simply write it... I don't know why? Lacking of idea of making great words? Maybe. Have a lot of work to do? Probably. Feeling tired to write? Absolutely! I felt very tired to write, even in my not-so-long holiday. Lack of good word to expressed also factors contribute to this lazy attitude. But, I do write a lot in my little notebook, but I can't post it....Some of them are too long to write and read and some of them are too lame to read! Okayh! Enough the long babbling, I ready to spill to you, my hubbylogger..! :D

(I have two things to talk about.One is my family, and the other, ha ha ha...Well, well, well...I have not write anything about my family. So, I just felt it's a betrayal to write about the "ha ha ha" without writing about my family, which I am longing and dying to talk of.... :D )

My greatest gift

I don't know what to say
When I have a lot to say
I don't know how to show love
When I already fell over and over again

Praise to Allah,
I was born and raised with a lots of love
With the parents that care me well
With sisters that I called friends
Sometimes, I wonder
Can I live without them?

Mother, mama, mummy, ma...
You're the greatest woman I ever met
You own the heart that no ordinary woman have
But, you have the eyes that hide much lies
Lying about your true feeling
Sometimes, lying in every grin
Why you still smile when there's storm in everyday?
Why you still care when we don't even wave?
Toughest, bravest, most charming and most important, most loving woman,I have ever met.

Father, Abah, papa...
The one and only man in our pack
The most secretive man in the house
We can't read his mind, neither his heart
The most fierce man I ever known
When I small, just a glance, make me shiver
As I grow, now, his glance seems sincere
Still strict, but
Less shouting, no more pinching
Just a silence, and advicing
I'm a lot afraid now, than years ago
But, he's the most supportive man I ever met. An understanding father, Yes, he's the man.

My eldest sister, 
The best lady driver I have ever ride
Beautiful, successful
Alhamdulillah, she made up till this level
I'm always proud of her
She's caring, generous and helps when in need
But, she do sometimes, making me bored
By the tales of her popularity and glory
Sometimes problematic story
In many ways, I'm glad she spilled all to me

My youngest sister
She's pretty and sweet
The only dark-skinned in the clan
Forever opposed people who go for a tan
Creative, fashionable Are the best to describe her. Kind, generous and blur. That's the unique side of her
Still choosing her path of future
I just can pray the best for her

They make me jealous, sometimes
But, they accept me, everytime
They make me down, overtime
But, they care for me, another time

I'm the one who have gut to speak my heart
I'm the one who laughed loud from the bottom of my heart
I'm the one who act randomly according to my heart
Sorry, for making you bear the effect of that

I can't provide you gold
But making you happy is my goal
I'm too ego for obvious care
But, you must know, I'll always forever ever care
I maybe act rude and rough
I just don't know
Why every single time, 
There's always that side of me?

Sorry for making you sad
Sorry for making you worry
I've tried my best not to harm 
Once it harmed, it feels so bad
So bad, until
It take hours, days, months perhaps years to make it gone.

Forever and ever care,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

He Knows The Best

This poem, I wrote when I'm about to lose my insanity...He's perfect (except for his look, I guess) He's just a guy that fit me well....It's a pleasure for loving him... I thought, I've found my soulmate...However, he has somebody else ( I think..) I start to think I am useless..."Hey, nobody was looking at you...You just a person among trillions creatures...You're nothing special..." That words kept disturbing me...And, suddenly! It just popped up! I just realize, it's all because of Allah.. Why don't I think of this before...Huh! Plus, there's many other gentlemen greater than him, out there... He's just not made for me...So, I hope u guys enjoy reading it...For those who having the same problem with me, be patience...We are under protection...


God (Allah) Knows The Best

I never complaint this much
I never rebel this much
I never want so much
To fell in love
To be in a relationship
Woman and man
I’m ready to take the risk
Bring it on
No more single
Of course

As I am thinking...
Thinking why I am still single
Seriously, never been in relationship
Thinking of my personality
Where charming is not the theme
I realized
It is because of Him
It is because of Allah

He knows the best
What if I am in love relationship
Will I care about my family?
Will I care about my friends?
What if I am too obsessed?
Too possessed
By the spirit, people called
Ah!  I might forgot
The most valuable jewels in my life
You know the best

Now, I begin to accept
Fate, destiny, death
He knows which are the best
He knows when would be the best
I should be waiting
I believe in Allah
He knows the best

I am not an old maid
I’m just not suit to accept
I am not a pathetic
Just under protection, guardian
I am not a lonely
I have them deep in my soul
I have them to talk to
God, family, friends
They complete me
Perfect butter to my bread...<3

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Remind me of you...

Salam and hi...

I want to post this, because just now I saw a man....He reminds me of someone that I once loved...I love him still now, but as a friend....Not more or less...Once, I really like, love and admire him sooo much! I wrote this about him...But, I decided to let him go when he seems to show his "not into me" mood, face, words and many more...I don't care if you didn't like me, but at least be nice...Be a gentleman, just bother me, just be friends...I'm not acting like a stalker, not even close to a beggar..who beg for your love...NO! I'm a bit offended by your act, but who are you to make me sad? My tears belong to my creator,Allah SWT and some people that are very very very closely bonded with me...Not for someone, who don't really appreciate me...I'm sorry for loving you and I'm glad, not admiring you anymore...I know you'll be happy too...(I can see it) So, enjoy your life in a proper manner...Don't forget your responsibility and respect others...

.Pathetic egoist love story.

I hate you!

You make me don’t wanna  leave you

You make me remind of you

You make me think of our old time

You make me wanna stare you

You make me clueless and speechless

I love you

You make me sad when you talk to others

You make me sympathy when I  see you silent

You make me guilty when you stare me

You make me stupid when I’m shouting

You make me feel blame when I talk to others

I’m drowning when you say you wanna leave

I’m sad, deeply inside when you ignoring me

I have done everything to forget you... 
But,all I do make me near to you!

God! Help!

I will never forget you

Whatever I do it always make me smile

But,I know when I think of you

I feel something missing

It is because

I love you

I care to you

I know you hear me

I do when you tell me that you love me
I need you....

All this year,I keep avoiding

Until know I’m meeting the dead end

Still no ending

When? When? When?

Whatever it is,I really love you!

As a friend,

I really love you until I cannot bear when you leave!

Can’t you see?

My eyes always smile when I see you

My mouth always shut when there you

My lips keep saying, "hi,this is me”

My heart beat say  you look super gorgeous

I really do!

It’s not romantic words

It’s not romantic tales

It’s not a perfect story

But,it’s an egoist pathetic love story


5.48 pm


Friday, August 12, 2011

Let The Room, be room...Not roof top

Salam and hi

I'm writing this post because I felt there are people around me who still not matured. I always remind myself to be mature and open minded. But not all can be. I know not all people perfect. This is not about perfection, but it's about attitude. You should think twice, thrice or hundred of twice before you said anything( or post anything ) It's like you'll just open up to everyone your own secret or dark side...If nothing happened, I think you should let it be...If you make this things up, by posting, saying, or maybe even cursing, there's no use. If you never mention it or even bother about it, so do us....But, if you bring the things into a headline, of course our paparazzi adrenaline will rush out...Isn't it happened to you too...You're not perfect, so do I...So, I'm posting this because not to tell people, I'm matured. But at least I have sense of maturity...I don't see it in you...And sorry if I'm hurting you, but it's just the words I do...Hope you can accept the reality, even you hate it...

p/s :There's a reason why it is written in black font...


Keep it SECRET!!

If it's not the truth,
Don't bring it up.
If it's not the rumours,
Let it be.
If you hate to hear the truth,
Don't ever do it.
People are watching
We commonly spread what we see, hear, listen..
Don't you curious about the source?
Isn't it from you?
Or your senorita?
Seriously? Think it again
If you hate to be famous
Don't let it fame...
Keep it in frame...
Hang to both of your chamber only
Not to our roof top ( should I call 'wall' )
Watch and learn

Protective is not objective
It's also not subjective
It's the combination of both
You have to think the answer,
but based it to your thinking...

Word cannot describe protection
Beside not equal to protection
Love is not protection
Advices are protection

Keep your mouth shut,
before ask somebody to shut theirs'
Review your attitude
before you comment others

Your senorita describe about you
Maybe even your whole family
or ancestors...
even, might be future generation...


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Two Rings

Salam and hi..

This is a poem that created while I'm waiting for my shift at 10am...It's my feelings toward man who married more than 1..I know it's allowed, but I still don't know why I just can't accept...So, stop the long talk..You need more time to read this poem...To man, please think carefully before taking another wife...To woman who involved, nothing I can say...I just can say, live your life..Enjoy..

Two Rings

Till death do us part
It was the promise they made
Two person
Perfectly bonded in one tie
Till death do us part

He said,
You are my one, Truly one
You make my world shine
You make me luckiest guy
You make everyone shy
By your pretty innocent eyes

She said,
I trust you
I love you
You are my knight in the shining armour
All my love is yours faithfully
You make my heart pounds

The sacred vow turned sorrow
What left is promises, words..
Which not eternal...
His finger are full
Full with love and care
Hopefully, lust is not his agenda

His heart just not mine
Torn and shared to pieces
To others
His new roses

You are my Truly one
But I'm never the one
You make my world shine
But dimmer than another one
You own the charming eyes
But not the one you want..
